Who is this old guy?!?

Ok, no, it didn’t really slip by. I was present for almost all of it. Doing a lot! Of nothing!! Woo hoo! Ish. I hope that I will get up the nerve to book travel this evening. The night is young. And I am not getting any younger. Poo, the clock is chiming 7 pm. And I haven’t finished this yet. Sigh.

What have I been doing all day? I have been putting off looking at travel, that’s what I have been doing. Sue me. I did, though, while procrastinating, do my regular Sunday activities – I refuse to call it Sinday. Ever. Because I don’t believe in the concept of sin. Don’t get me wrong, I do have a sense of right and wrong. But sin? Nope. Not for me. Anyway, I did the regular shower, change my bed linen and a load or two of laundry.

Today, I changed the linen back to my favorite set of flannel sheets – not the ones that were next in rotation. I know! Crazy!! Who is this wacky human and what has he done with rotating Augustus? Well, I just thought that this will, hopefully, be the last week that I need flannel sheets. Though, since the weather pattern has seemed to have shifted about a month, it could still be winter until April 21. Who knows. I will do what I want next week when I have a better sense of the weather for the week.

And I did two loads of laundry. Though one was just my quilt. I spit up on it last night, like a baby. Well, a baby who drinks liquid while laughing, causing a choking effect that led to a little spit up. Oh well. The quilt can always do with a wash anyway. One load is folded and put away (I know, I told you, I am crazy) and the other is in the dryer. After I finish the blog I will check to see if it can use a second drying cycle. It needed it last time, but I set it out to dry on a drying rack instead. I might just do that again. Hmm.

What else did I do? I watched a lot of videos from YouTube. And I spent way too much time on my phone playing. I even downloaded a new to me game. One where one has to spot 10 differences between the two pictures. Turns out I am decent at that. I think it is good for really short term memory practice. Maybe. On YouTube, I watched a couple or three cooking pieces – if I had a great mixer, I might have made the cloud egg recipe – that looks interesting. I don’t think I will try the baloney egg cups anytime soon. And the piece on why restaurant veggies often taste better than home cooked veggies was very instructive. Most of it I am already doing. I wonder if par boiling potato chips would make them end up crispier. Anyone?

I also watched some CyberTruck coverage – I saw a thread on Twitter/X (where I spent way too much time the past few weeks – grrr and sigh) where everyone was hating on the looks of the vehicle. I wrote that I loved the looks and didn’t get any hate which was weird. My guess is that it was mostly bots on there, fueling a false narrative that people hate the look of the CyberTruck. As an antidote, I watched some of a video from Dirty Tesla (a person who does a lot of FSD testing videos) and a bunch of the reactions he got out in the world while he was traveling with his CT. He said that the good comments out numbered the bad comments by a large margin. The design is polarizing for sure. But I still think it is really cool. And I hope people get used to it quickly because I think the Mass Market $25k vehicle is going to look a lot like a cut down version of the CT.

I also watched a good interview of Gwen Shotwell – a hero of mine – who is President and COO of SpaceX. She is a good speaker and had some interesting things to say about SpaceX, Starlink and Starship. I think she was instrumental in getting the FAA to change its licensing structure to allow more launches faster. If it happens. The broad , multi launch license could be issued anytime. And Gwen thought that the next Starship launch would happen as soon as the end of April! How exciting is that??

Breakfast for dinner tonight. Very excited. I am going to have both bacon (mostly as a filling for the omelet) and maple flavored sausages, a cheese and bacon and scallion two egg omelet, either a hash brown or a left over potato (deep fried, of course) and a caesar (seizure as a friend posted online) salad. Yay food!

Tomorrow. Back to the grind. I also have two appointments to take B to. And on Friday – back to Syracuse for the car to be looked at for an estimate. I am hoping it will be a third of the price and time that the last one took. Not that I care too much about the price, since insurance will pay for it. But time, I hated not having my car for 3 months! Fingers crossed. And that they will have a Tesla for me to drive while mine is in the shop. Another possibility would be for me to buy a long range used Tesla while mine is in the shop and then figure out what to do with it once it is repaired. Decisions and possibilities. Yay life?

Oh, and I am thinking about the next phase of work here at the house…if J can come and finish the side porch, I can move on to phase two – clean the yard and put up a large shed. More on that later.