Is it Friday?


One of the nice things about having a washer and dryer in the basement is that I can do laundry anytime I want. Like at 9 pm on a Tuesday night. While wearing socks! So fun!

It is amazing to me (in a good way) just how quickly plans can get changed. I had a plan to get up, do some stuff, do some cooking, take the meal to my friend and run some errands. Well, my friend changed her schedule which trickled down to my schedule being changed. Yippee! I can cook at a time closer to my normal eating time! But it will be a lengthy process for the meal tonight. Not as long as the chocolate raspberry cheesecake, but still a decent amount of time.

Pretty, isn’t it?

Yes, I am buying my happiness. Not really buying my happiness exactly, but satisfying some itches. One is today’s picture. A few years ago, my Apple remote was lost (cough, cough Karl’s kids, cough cough). Since then, I have used my iPhones as remotes – there is are apps for it and there is actually a widget! Anyway, using a phone usually takes time to turn on. And my older iPhone three likes to have the app crash one time before booting up, which means that time passes which is not optimal. And on my pther phone, I have to unlock it, which also takes time. This new remote is always ready and eager to help. And it has a condom on it, so it will be easy to keep clean! I bought the white one in hopes that it will be easier to not lose. Here’s hoping.

Does anyone else feel like today has been a Friday? It has felt that way for me. Perhaps because it is the end of the month. Or because it is the beginning of a new month. Or that we are supposed to get snow tonight. Or the weather. Or the full moon has just peaked and is starting to wane. Who knows. But it has felt like Friday to me all day.

Fire, fire in the kitchen! Ok, not really. It was just burning oil. I followed the instructions from the recipe and cooked this batch of onion bombs also on a cookie sheet. Which let the oil from the bacon run off onto the floor of the oven, which caused a lot of smoke! I apologized to my house mate but it is still smoky! I think they turned out pretty well. I tried to weigh them so that they weighed about as much as the beef I put in them did. I also cooked a little rice and some broccoli. A decent dinner, if I must say so myself. I will maybe put some pictures of the bombs up on Instagram. If you all are interested. I think I am gussssr there – four ssss because someone else took gusssr. Or I did and forgot the password and email address I used to sign up. Whatever. Drooling on my keyboard now.

Starship (SN11) Fall Down go Boom

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For no particular reason, I woke up around 8 am this morning. Maybe a smidge earlier. In any case, I did my normal things – mostly Duolingo and fruitless swiping – and then checked on the status of the launch of the next Starship prototype from SpaceX. Turns out that there was solid evidence for the test to begin at 9 am my time. Woo hoo! But Boca Chica was blanketed in heavy fog. I mean, zero visibility. Not one camera that I saw had a shot of the vehicle. No problem to SpaceX apparently. They went ahead with the launch. We got treated to a few pictures from SpaceX of the inside of the engine area, a picture of a tank, and then a picture of a fin. And then, the commentators were saying that the ship had exploded. Upon review, I did see some debris flying around. I guess eventually we will see the crumpled ship. When the weather clears.

Other SpaceX news – SN15 (they skipped 12-14) will apparently be rolling to the launch site in a “few” days. I would guess it will be a week at least. And their big booster that they just stacked – is destined to go straight to the scrap heap without any pressure testing or anything. That is strange, but they must know what they are doing, mustn’t they?

Having a dilemma. Should I just quit Mad Max where I am (stuck on a stupid demolition race that ought to be easy but isn’t) and start a new game? Or should I continue trying to beat the stupid race and continue playing Mad Max? Any thoughts appreciated, as always. First world problems.

It’s a huge post office!!

Today was errands day. And I went to a new-to-me place – the Canandaigua Post Office – or one of their post offices. I don’t know which. Anyway, it was right next to the Canandaigua Wegman’s. So I parked at the Wegman’s and walked over. I wanted to mail the letter I had laboriously written. Go me! It was busy-ish there. I bought my stamp and headed back to Wegman’s.

When I pulled up my list I was pleasantly surprised that there wasn’t much on it. I really am trying to eat through what I have in the house. Last night, for instance, I think I finished up three containers worth of leftovers! And more leftovers are on deck for tonight. Tomorrow, Onion Bombs for everyone!

I bought two types of onions (red and yellow), to see if there is a significant taste difference between them when they are baked. My guess is that there won’t be. But time will tell. I also bought some celery and a carrot. And another broccoli crown. And the makings of the oatmeal cookies. So, not a very expensive day at Wegman’s.

I think I will start cooking around two, which ought to give me enough time to get Susanne’s dinner ready by 5. I still haven’t decided on dessert for her – either more oatmeal cookies or more chocolate raspberry cheesecake. She seemed to like them both.

On the way home, I stopped at the branch of one of my banks that I pass when I am up that way. The lobby was open and unoccupied. With two tellers! How exciting is that? I did my business and then trundled home.

Now, I am reading a bit and thinking of maybe taking a quick nap or doing a quick meditation.

What an exciting life we lead!!

Movies and Accomplishments

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I’ve watched three movies recently. My Octopus Teacher, The Trial of the Chicago 7 and one other I may or may not remember.

My Octopus Teacher was a documentary. It was informative and entertaining. The person creating the movie obviously had a thing for her – the octopus. I didn’t know that that particular genus (Is that right) of Octopus generally only lived a year. They are weird and fascinating creatures. Why am I biased towards them and away from Squids?

I was flipping through Netflix and this movie was offered – The Trial of the Chicago 7. I was interested because of the subject matter and the casting. After it was over, I saw that it was an Aaron Sorkin project, which I ought to have guessed due to the brilliant dialogue. Frank Langella was especially excellent as the horrible judge. Good stuff! I wish we had people like Abby Hoffman around today. We really need someone or some people to rile things up and get things moving in the right direction again. Sigh.

What else exciting is happening? Oh, on an impulse, I bought a book. I watched an interesting interview with Cary Elwes and he mentioned that he (along with help from many other people associated with the film apparently) wrote a book about the making of The Princess Bride. As you know, it is my favorite movie of all time. And Cary said the book was a love letter to the movie and production. How could I not get a copy? I mean, for reals. And I guess I will have to put it in my car after I read it, just in case I happen to be in the same place at the same time as Cary or anyone else associated with the movie. Gotta have something of significance for them to sign! Yes, I am that much of a fan. One day, I will need to put all my copies together – I think I have three right now – VHS, DVD and BluRay. Where any of them are is a mystery (slight allusion to another of my top ten films of all time – Shakespeare in Love).

Hmm, can’t think what the third movie was. I guess I could figure it out from Netflix somehow. Or not. I am not stressing over it. It will either come to me or it won’t.

Here we are, post procrastination on three of four items. Or two of three with the third one from the previous sentence, not actually something I was procrastinating over, but something that I did while ending the procrastination on the other two things. The third thing from the second sentence, I hope to do this evening. (Or the fourth from the first sentence…) I really would like to accomplish it before the clock strikes twelve. Anyway, I did write back to the lawyer. And I did write a letter to my correspondent. Whether any more correspondence will occur with this particular human is anyone’s guess at this point. I am not too concerned either way. And I think I have until April 15 to worry about the bid bad that the lawyer is helping me with. Yippee!

Here is a selfie I took yesterday morning. Yes, I woke up like that.

Still in bed and ready for more sleep!

I’m putting off procrastinating

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I’m putting off procrastinating. This could mean that I am actually doing the things that I am procrastinating over. But no, it means that I will procrastinate about those things later, after I finish my blog post.

I am putting off a few things. One is applying for stimulus loan money. I mean if a multimillionaire can apply for a loan out of the program and get it, maybe I can too. If it is big enough, I might actually be able to do something about some of the house issues. Like roofing the barn. Or going further and making the barn habitable. That would be nifty. A little house on my property. I could rent it. Or live in it and rent out more of my main house. Or turn it into a place for the pool table. The pool table might be better there than in the basement – mostly because I wouldn’t have to take a part of the pool table apart to get it down the basement stairs. But I am not sure I trust the company I am going through that is helping people with getting the loans. So I keep putting it off. If worse comes to worst, I won’t actually get a loan and my nebulous ideas won’t grow any further at this juncture…

Next, is a letter to a woman I don’t know. I wrote with someone on OKC briefly and she made noises about wanting to have an actual correspondence. I am decent at that, sometimes. So I agreed. It took her a while to get me her first letter. And, to be honest, it wasn’t much of a letter. It was more of a note with little pith and, from what I recall, no questions or information that really opened up a correspondence. And she sent a whole lot of “stuff” in the envelope – like little paper cut outs of people and things. Weird. But there was nothing really there worth responding to. And I knew/know that I am not interested in fluffing her a letter with the same sort of paper cutout stuff in it. So, tomorrow, I hope, I will sit down and right her a real letter – but on the computer, to print out and send to her. I don’t think she knows just how illegible my handwriting generally is.

Next is a letter to a lawyer. The guy who is helping me with the Big Bad got a really good deal from the debt collectors. I have to respond to the offer and ask some more questions. And I have been putting it off. So, maybe tomorrow, I will get my act together and sit myself down in front of my other (broken and unhappy) laptop and get that letter done as well.

Next on the procrastination hit parade is work on FCF. Which, as I have mentioned elsewhere, is on hold until one of my new big purchases finds its way to me. I keep thinking about the project. I think I will use Keynote for the second part of the FCF instances. That will avoid video which, at this point, doesn’t seem to be thrilling me. I can write a teeny monologue and record that – then use Keynote to illustrate what I am talking about. Then tack that together with the appropriate introduction/first bits and tweak all the sound and transitions and things in iMovie. That’s my plan and I am able to amend it at any time!

The un-BBQ’d version looked a little better – but this tasted really good! Yay BBG sauce!

Sorry for the scary looking picture of my onion bomb! It was delicious, despite causing a huge cloud of smoke in the house. I am glad I did an experimental one before trying it on anyone else. The most important part, it seems to me, is the ratio of onion (or container) to stuffing (or contents). My first one was container heavy by quite a bit. Luckily, I have a great tool to help me gut the onions: a grapefruit spoon!

I am in Twitter jail (not able to post or like or comment – which is difficult for me because I love to like and comment) so I am not sure if my post will end up on Twitter tonight or not. We will survive in either case…

Susanne made me a bean dish for dinner – yay! No cooking! (Not that I mind cooking, but a night off is a night off!) Night! I’m off!

Cooking eventually

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So far, it has been a lazy Saturday. I was up fairly late watching a new show on Netflix, The Irregulars. Not sure if I like it or not. But it is at least mildly entertaining – in the Sherlock Holmes Universe with a focus on the supernatural. It at least is loading. Vampire Diaries is choking and the episodes are loading readily. And I still can’t get Yes Day to load at all. Even on my phone. Sigh.

I have lunched and now I am going to read a bit. Unfortunately it isn’t really porch weather again. And the sun doesn’t actually shine on the porch, except in the morning. It is on the East side of my house.

Wow, that book has its good points and its not so good points. I love the stories. I have always been a fan of fairy tales and that ilk. And this book has ones that deal with Women and intuition and such. Great! The author then takes three pages to do what one page would accomplish in explaining what she sees as the significance of the story. Rock on! But…it gets really draining. And I must have been more tired than I thought, from all my lack of activity. Because when I sat down to read a chapter, I got about ten words into it before my eyes started to droop. I think I napped for half an hour! Sigh. Anyway, I will keep plowing through. I just hope Librazon comes through soon with the book I need so that I can read the Invisible Library series in order. I am concerned that I will have to return the other two books before I have even gotten the book I need. Poo.

The croutons are in the oven. They really aren’t that hard to make. And not all that time consuming. So why do I have 5 (at least) bags of bread butts (or heels or ends)(I just like alliteration)(DeeDee was really good at alliteration) in my deep freeze? So weird. I want to use some up so I guess I will be having croutons for the foreseeable future. Yum! Maybe I will have some on my salad tonight. With my onion bomb and artichoke.

Tomorrow is another day. Susanne said she is bringing me food (even though we made a deal that she wouldn’t). Sigh. I am sure it will be tasty. She called and said that she was making two versions this weekend anyway – one vegetarian and one meaty (chicken and pork!) and would I like some. Who am I to turn down home made food?

Excuse me, my jealous mistress was calling me back to her boudoir with her dulcet (yet piercing) tones! The croutons look yummy indeed! And it is now time to try to make my first attempt at an onion bomb! Bombs away!

Croutons before the turn. I ended up flipping them by hand as the spatula wasn’t doing it for me

What’s the opposite of instant gratification?


What is the opposite of instant gratification? Interminable waiting? Well, the two big purchases I made are going to take a while to manifest for me here at the Chalet. Poop. I hate waiting. Good thing I will do other things besides waiting, then, isn’t it?

My exploring travel bug is bubbling to the surface. This morning I woke up and did my normal morning phone stuff: Duolingo (Español hoy), check social media obsessively, and swipe a bunch. During my surfing I was recommended a person to be my friend (not someone I actually had ever seen before) as is FB’s wont. Which led me to a new to me brewery in the area: Lucky Hare. For those who don’t know, beer was my second life for a decade (see my book, Diary of a Plate Addict). And spur of the moment-esque I chose to drive the 37 miles to the middle of Nowhere to check it out. Yay adventures!

The drive wasn’t bad. My GPS offered me the back route to cut off a little bit of travel on the mainstream roads. I’ve taken that path a few times. Fun but not all that exciting. I did eventually get to the brewery. And, because it was so windy, I didn’t know where the brewery actually was for a few seconds. But I finally figured it out and entered. Nice little place! In a house. The bar could fit maybe 6 people in non-Covid times. But no stools there now. They had probably six beers on tap and a few more in cans. I got a flight of four beers – an ipa, a beer that had been dry hopped three times, an Irish red and a stout (or porter – I’ll have to check the menu (of which I did take a picture)). Pretty expensive for what I got, to be honest. $15 for four four ounce pours and bag of pretzels. I think I liked the IPA best of the four. Reds are really hard. And I am super picky about stouts and porters. The triple hopped one was ok, but not awesome.

View from the deck of the Lucky Hare in Hector(?)

They had a socially distanced sitting area on their deck. Maybe six tables all together. I sat there for quite a while and ended up chatting with a surprisingly nice young guy. At first, I will admit, I thought he was probably a Drumpf fan. But after chatting a while, my opinion changed and he might not have been. He listened well as I pontificated (he asked and I answered…). Our conversation even included talk of Astral Projection! I guess some Drumpf fans could be interested in Astral Projection. I eventually got peckish and was going to go to get a sandwich at a place that sounded cool – Elf and Oak? – but it turned out to be in the opposite direction from where I wanted to go. Maybe I will go again when the weather is better. And go to the sandwich place. Travel!

After that, I headed to Wegman’s and picked up the makings for my onion bomb experiment tomorrow. So excited!

Oh, I just signed up for a J&J vaccine dose on April 3 in Syracuse. I am not excited about it. I am not a big fan of the whole Covid scare thing. But, if I want to travel out of the country in September (that is a long-ish range goal) I might need proof of vaccination to do that. And when I travel around the US, I don’t want to have to worry that some red state jerk sheriff will try to make me quarantine for two weeks. One and done, baby. And it’s free. Which is a good price. I will, of course, write about it, allah willing!

Time for yummy leftovers for dinner! Write at you later!

When is a splurge not a splurge?

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When is a splurge not a splurge? When i consider it a birthday present to myself. Or when it is something “for the house.” Two upcoming purchases, of fairly major proportions (sadly neither of them is a Tesla or a solar roof) will be in one each of those categories. But I won’t be saying more about them until I have them in hand (or the equivalent). That way, I can take pictures of them, We like pictures. Photographic evidence means its real. Sort of. Sometimes. Except for Photoshop. And deep fakes. But most of my pictures are real photographic evidence. Really.

Speaking of birthdays, I have one coming up soon. I will be 60. (Woohoo) Part of me never thought I would reach this age. I mean, I probably ought to have died lots of times (and in the multi-verse theory of reality, I have). Especially with the car crash. Or the many times I have almost drown. Etc. Anyway, birthdays that end in 5 and 0 seem to be of slightly more significance than others. Milestone birthdays I guess. Birthdays are a little weird for me and actually always have been. Part of me likes them to be celebrated. Another part doesn’t want any hoopla. The happy medium is rarely attained. Also, since both of my parents are deceased, that makes celebrating my birth feel a little strange. And since parties are still verboten, I can’t really throw myself a party. But it is still a couple weeks away. Maybe I will move my trip up and leave soon after my birthday. Hmm. So many possibilities.

Lying on the day bed reading and thinking deep thoughts (i.e. napping)

Porch life, if only for a day. It hit somewhere in the 70s for a high temperature today here in beautiful Geneva. I almost took my bike out for a ride. I was this (maybe a foot) close to checking the tire pressure and heading down to the lake. But I didn’t. I chose to just hang out on the porch and read. And think deep thoughts of course. Who knows when the weather will be conducive to porch life again? I just looked at the weather report and wouldn’t let me look because this browser (or computer?) for some reason has turned on ad blocking. What is that about? Screw them anyway, there are other free weather sites that don’t have a bazillion ads. Boo capitalism!

I did take a little drive with the window down. That was nice. Sadly, my handy guy didn’t come to look at the barn roof today. And I think it is going to rain tomorrow. Maybe I ought to get a tarp for the items in the garage that would rather not get rained on. Or just use the plastic that I have that I have used for winterizing the porch. That’s a thought. I think I will pop out there and do that.

Tonight’s dinner will be leftovers from last night’s dinner. Plus a salad I think. I am actually peckish. And putting that plastic in the barn will only work up my appetite a bit more. Oh, I am going to make croutons tomorrow or Saturday. And I need to go and get a few things from the grocery store so I can make my test Bacon Wrapped BBQ Onion Bomb. Tomorrow is another day!

Yes, Virginia, there is an outlet behind the sideboard!

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(From last night) I just ate a delicious, albeit thrown together, meal. I bought some almost expired (which is just the food companies covering their butts – I am sure it would have been good for a few more days – but I froze it immediately anyway) pesto marinated chicken from Wegman’s that I had had in the freezer for a little while. I had never had it before and had no idea what to expect. It was surprisingly tasty. And because I had bought an instant thermometer (how cool is that? $15 from Amazon (sorry) I think) I could do what I really liked to do – I slow cooked the chicken till (165 degrees F inside) it was done and then broiled it for ten minutes. Wowza! So tasty!! And a salad. Not the best salad, but nummy. And last, but not least, my next attempt at home made chips. I thought of a really cool idea – use baby potatoes to make the chips. Because I bought a bag of small red potatoes and I am trying to use them up before they expire or sprout or go mushy or do whatever potatoes that are too old do. Sadly, they didn’t turn out all that crispy. I think I will try a couple of things next time. One, maybe toss them in some cornstarch. And two, try double dipping them in my wonderful and cool deep fryer. I love my deep fryer! (end of last night’s thought about dinner)

Thursday I might go to Rochester. My new to me laptop battery is poopie. And it’s not a mac. I think part of my lack of excitement about working on FCF is this very not-macness. Yes, I have been Apple bonked. Even the Beatles can’t break me out of it. I’ll probably get an Apple car when they become available. Anyway, I am so comfortable with the Mac environment, that putzing around on a PC seems like lots too much work! Nothing is where I think it should be. Sigh. Anyway, I might go up to Rochester and see if I can get a new battery, or trade this laptop in for a used mac or something. We shall see.

The elusive receptacle behind the sideboard! Someday I will buy a cover for it…the outlet has now been replaced with a 3 prong outlet!

I DIY’d two more outlet replacements today. Only took me 40 minutes. Probably ought to have taken ten. Anyway, they are done, power strips are plugged in, so now people can use electronic devices or charge electronic devices in the dining room. Look, I’m improving the house!!

More dating scammers! Sad. I love how they say English is their only or first language and then can barely put a sentence together. I tried a proof of life with one and her reason for not doing it: she didn’t want to. And this after having professed her undying love for me just last night. Hahahahaha. There are two other scammers that I am currently communicating with. Both have terrible English and have myriad excuses for why they can’t do a video chat. Too funny. But as I have said before, I figure when I waste their time, they can’t be scamming more gullible sorts. Yes, I’m doing my bit. Community service!

I don’t know why, but Facebook keeps recommending women that I “might know” who are Drumpf fans. What? Stupid Facebook and its stupid algorithms. Every time I look at one of them and find they are Drumpfsters, I block them. I don’t even want to be virtually near a Drumpf fan. Oddly the women that FB has recommended have all been really pretty. And looked alike. Very strange.

Dinner tonight was from the new Los Amigos Taqueria. I got a burrito and Susanne got carnitas. We both had way too much food. So we nibbled enough to say that we had eaten, so we could get to our cheesecake dessert. Susanne seemed to like it. Do I cut the cheesecake into slices before I freeze it or not? I am leaning towards cutting it before I freeze it, but it won’t happen until tomorrow or Friday, so any thoughts are welcome!

A Happy Tuesday

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All things considered, today was a happy Tuesday. Most of my days are happy, actually, but this one, well, you know when days just seem to flow pretty easily? Well, today was one of those.

Despite a messed up dream – not going to share it since people don’t seem all that interested (at least no one has offered any input on what my not being able to find my shoes in them means…)(and I write because I like to write – and not for much other reason than that – it certainly isn’t netting me a lot of (any) income. I did read about a woman who makes $1000 for ghost writing a 10,000 word book. How does one get gigs like that? I could write that much on just about any subject without research! Anyway…I’m not sure I would enjoy writing for other people.) – I woke up pretty happy. Yoga, lunch and then off to run errands.

There was no line at the gas station. Huzzuh! The pump gave me a little trouble, but since the day was sunny, it didn’t phase me. Why is gas so expensive just now?! (Rhetorical question) Then off to Canandaigua to a bank. None of my favorite tellers were on duty, which was ok. The one who waited on me was just dandy. Because I had other errands, and because I am trying to eat up the food I have in the house – enough to feed a family of five for a week in the opinion of my boarder (and she might be right about that – if they wouldn’t mind eating tuna a couple of times) – I opted to forego my usual stop at the Canandaigua Wegman’s.

Next stop, another bank. I went through the drive through, not realizing that the lobby of that bank was open again. Sigh. No worries, though. The teller there, who I think I have seen before but don’t actually know, helped me efficiently. When you are in the drive through, do you turn off you car? I generally do. Next stop, downtown.

Wait, the next stop wasn’t actually downtown. Turns out there is an outlet back behind the sideboard in the dining room afterall. Drat. (Which means that there are actually two outlets in the dining room – just pretty inaccessible…) We will persevere. I recalled that I needed another three prong outlet as I was heading downtown in time to stop at Valu. I also bought another power strip. I think I must have 20 (Hyperbole? – 1000?) of them in the house! Then the next stop was downtown.

I was sad to see that Riley J’s is closed. Not terribly sad (I was never really a fan of the owner if I am being honest – but I like the actual physical bar and the place did have decent pool tables – for mobile bar tables). Stopped at yet another bank and did my business there and chatted with my favorite teller (who I hadn’t seen in at least three months – maybe longer). She liked my Bernie face mask! It always makes me happy when people like my Bernie facemask! And then, a stroll. Such a lovely spring day! Woo hoo! I headed along Exchange Street to check out the new Taqueria here in Geneva. Los Amigos I think. They did not have menus to take away. And they didn’t have cards with their website on them. A person there tried to tell me the URL for her website but it got lost in translation. Or I just wasn’t paying attention. But I did take a picture of the menu. Maybe Susanne and I will eat food from there tomorrow night. Huge menu! Both physically and in terms of items!

Next stop, which was a few blocks away (yay exercise) was Librazon. Turns out that one of the books I put on hold was actually a “lost” book. Took me two tries with the librarians to get them to figure that out. It wouldn’t be hard for the programmers of their backend to just add a quick query: is book lost? Do not list in catalog. But no, that seems beyond their coding abilities. Anyway, I did pick up a book that was recommended to me, Women Dancing with Wolves. The book I want the most still hasn’t arrived. And I need that one before I can read the other two that I have. Sigh. Hopefully it will make an appearance soon.

Onwards to the post office. The postmaster, and Kiel, were both concerned about my postal carrier not picking up my netflix envlopes routinely. Kiel was actually more upset than I was. She’s funny. And the postmaster promised to have a chat with the postal carrier about the issue. Sigh. I hope he doesn’t get in trouble and stop delivering my mail completely in retaliation. But at least I made some noise about it. Squeaky wheel and all that. Oh, speaking of wheels, the Wheel of Time show from Amazon released a really brief (15 seconds) teaser for the upcoming show. So excited!!

Now I am home and looking forward to some chicken from the freezer (I hope it is thawed by now) and a salad and maybe some home made potato chips for dinner. Yum!

Imagine how strong these flowers (crocuses?) are to push up through the soil and the leaves! Rock on little spring flowers, rock on!

One thing, or another

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I need to get back to eating more frugally. Not that I need to eat inexpensive stuff, but I need to do a better job of eating what I have in the house. At this point, I have way, way, way too much stuff. For instance, I have at least three bags of salty things – corn chips, doritos (well, wegman’s brand), and vegetable sticks. Why? I need to just get down to chowing down on them. And not buy anymore until I have finished them all up – or they are on their last crumbs. And that isn’t all. I am still eating my delicious crispy beef – only one more night of it, but it has taken this long to get there! Wish me luck. And now, with the damn cheesecake…looks like it will be good even after being frozen. Which I think will be a necessity. I’m only going to be good for one piece every few days because it is just that rich!

A new item on my culinary experiment radar is an onion bomb. Basically an onion stuffed with hamburger, and in some cases, the onion is wrapped with bacon. Mmmmm, bacon! (Does anyone else think of that dog in the commercial?) So excited. I guess vegetarians could stuff the onion with vegetarian things. Good thing I am an omnivore! I think I will try this coming weekend. Maybe.

I had another travel dream in which I couldn’t find the same pair of shoes! What does it all mean?!? This time at an airport with people who weren’t my mom. Weird.

My attempt at working – look mom, a desk?

I’m scheduling an hour of work on FCF today. Maybe that will work. It’s weird but I always feel like an elephant in a China shop when using a non-mac computer.

Well, that didn’t work so well. I tried working in the dining room. Everything seemed to take forever to load. And then the battery died. For some unknown reason there is no outlet in the dining room in this house!! How messed up is that? (Ok, found an outlet. Behind the desk in the alcove where William Dade Alexander hangs. And I think there might actually be another one behind the side board under the Aunt whose name I am unsure of. But having found the one is great! It hasn’t been upgraded to a three prong outlet yet. But I have an adapter and a last power strip, so it will suffice.) So I went to get the power cord and then was going to get an extension cord…and one thing led to another and the hour had passed with very little accomplished. Sigh.

Moving that desk was a bear! It is really heavy. Then it turned out that the plug plus the adapter was too big if I pushed the desk all the way in. I guess I could have looked for a flat plug but instead I am going to replace the outlet. Hopefully tomorrow. I don’t know if I am going to look behind the sideboard in the dining room to see if there is a plug back there. If there is, I would be honor bound to go and get another three prong outlet and replace that, too. I’m just not going to look. Does anyone from the family (who reads this of course) know if there is an outlet on that wall? I just keep thinking that there is…

Still haven’t succeeded at the Mad Max race. Sigh. Maybe tomorrow (says Scarlet).

Dinner time! Leftovers here I come!

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