From the other day – you can sort of kinda see my house in the distance – not the white one

Today, I got up and it was still winter. Boo.

First appointment was taking B to her PT appointment. Easy Peasy. And she didn’t want to run errands afterwards. Which was fine with me as I had a second appointment right on the heels of hers. She had mixed up the times for next week’s PT appointements on her calendar so we got that cleared up before I left. She has become adept at getting in and out of the car already! Very spry! Turns out she knows my family – her sister was friends with my sister! And she went to Trinity. And remembered mom! Small world, Geneva.

Next stop, picking B (pool B) up and taking him to Rochester. He carried the conversation for most of the trip. Turns out he is going to be going to a Tour Guide event in November. I might also go. I think I might like to do some tour guiding for a while at some point soon. Travel and get paid for it! Woo hoo! Anyway, we were driving along, minding our own business when suddenly (or so it seemed) it started blizzarding! Eeek! Not something I was expecting. I like surprises (which don’t happen to me often)(well, except for everyday – but you know what I mean – big surprises) generally. This one, not so much. I had looked at the weather report for the area (Geneva, at least) and had thought it said that it was going to be another cloudy and cold day. Not a thing about snow! Well, we made it. Phew!

Then, I had to come home. I don’t like using the Thruway if I don’t have to. I know taking the back roads takes a little longer usually, but I figured that they would be better plowed and less dangerous to life and the car. But I was also hungry.

So, I programmed a place called Pi Craft pizza into my phone. It is a chain apparently. Which is a mixed thing. They make pizzas to order, and they cook really quickly! They have a cool rotating lazy susan thing inside their fire heated pizza oven! I ordered a one topping personal pizza which came as a sort of lozenge shaped pie. I then had to choose between two sauces. And for my one topping, I chose pepperoni – they had two types and gave me lots of both! I found out afterwards, for a dollar more, I could have put any and all of their toppings on a pizza. Sure, less of each, but still cool. Next time, pepperoni and banana peppers. Or maybe artichoke hearts. Or something more adventurous.

I think, despite the utilitarian feeling decor, going there would be a good date experience! I only ate half of my pizza and will have the other half tonight with a couple of chicken wings. Yum! The pizza dough was a little on the puffy side, but I didn’t mind in this instance.

The roads were terrible up there in ROC land! I decided to head South as quickly as I could. So, I ignored my GPS and headed into Victor. Very, very slowly. I finally got to 322 and headed more souther towards Canandaigua. Good choice on my part! Once I got a couple miles south, the snow lessened and the roads cleared up tremendously! Phew! I eventually made it back to Geneva safely.

Stopping at Headley’s, they had a tasting station open! A little early in the day, I thought, but what the heck, it is my weekend. So I tried three hard alcohols and one seltzer. All decent. But I didn’t buy any. Then home!

Where I promptly took a nap. Driving in the snow without snow tires is enervating! I kept having Twitter/X dreams/nightmares. But I got some needed rest. Yippee!

And that brings us up to date on Augustus’ exciting Friday! Now, time for dinner, maybe a sherry and some more of This is Us. It is such a soap opera! I might actually watch the Jake Gyllenhaal Roadhouse on one of the channels to which I subscribe. Or something else. Who knows. All I know is I am hungry and ready to eat the rest of that pizza!

Tomorrow, no plans except for trying to figure out more about Square. And maybe actually booking a trip! That would be nifty!