Ok, a happy day except that my brother died from complications arising from Alzheimer’s. My half brother Ernst was 86. He is survived by his wife and two sons.

Floofy post shower hair

I spoke with a guy who said he had been banned from del Lago for winning too much money at Blackjack. Could be the case. Who knows?

I could get used to not dashing again. But I don’t think I can make enough from room rentals alone. If I had both rooms, and I was fully booked (at least five nights a week) that might do it. Barely. But that is unlikely. And having a boarder would only cover about a half of what I think I need per month – so unless I figure out some other sources of income, I will still have to do some dashing. Woo hoo.

J and his helper R came yesterday and did most of the work to turn the back entry way from dismaying to tremendous! There is some painting I could do if I ever feel so inclined and motivated, but even as it is, it is such a joy to walk through now. It was a tad more expensive than I had in my spreadsheet I think. And I want to quibble about the washing machine – I mean, I didn’t use it that much and it died. So…but honestly, it is just money. Anyway, they were here all day yesterday. Then came for a teeny bit this morning. And added the faceplate to the new light switch later in the afternoon (I think – he can be stealthy – and I am feeling a little deaf again because my left ear is clogged up with glunk. Sigh.). I’m pretty happy with how it turned out!

Oh, J put up a motion sensitive light in the back foyer. Luckily I found the box and the instructions in my trash can. I think I can set it to different colors! That would be nifty. I wonder if it is network enabled. I don’t think it is, but I can look.

Next up, and the last part of phase one, I think (since I have put “jacking up” the house on indefinite hold), is the side porch being converted into a three season porch. J and I looked at windows and I think we came up with four that will do the trick. Still not sure that the plan is for the two doorways. J mentioned plexiglass, I suggested new walls and doors. We shall see. Not too worried about it. No idea when he might actually get to it. After I pay him for this bill – which I will do as soon as money comes from the HELOC to my local account – I will ask him about time frame for the porch. So excited!I might have to get rid of the pew that is on the side porch…or at least put it in the barn for now and maybe use it in either the barn remodel or in the storage unit. We shall see.

I finished All Systems Red. Turns out that there are lots of books in this Universe. I think I will put off thinking about reading them until after I have read the other two Library books I have. And have at least looked for the other seven on the list that Penny shared. I liked the book. I wonder if the protagonist was actually in one of the other books. Could be. I guess I will find out one day.

My to do list shrank by half. Most of that was getting the house ready for my Airbnb guest. She is here and is very nice. It is kinda weird to have a guest in the house again, honestly. The next set of items are more about me. Like paying bills. I was going to do that today, but I will do it tomorrow instead. Damn Big Debt people waited until yesterday to cash their damn check. Grrr. I wish they would do it as soon as they get it. Double grrr.

I did a load of laundry. It was so nice to be walking through the redone back foyer! I need to take pictures of it. I took pictures of it before the remodel. I think if I do take some after pictures, I will post a set up on instagram. Someday. Hahahaha.

At Wegman’s, I bought some raw wings. And I cleaned my deep fryer. The plan is to make the bread pizza things again – I still have a lot of artichoke hearts that need to be eaten – and some wings. I want to try three different coatings and see if there is a substantial difference in crispiness between them: cornstarch, flour and cornstarch and flour. I also bought garlic powder, which I might just have to sprinkle on the wings or in the dry goods…

Happy Friday!