Saw this while dashing! I really think the city or the newspaper or someone (me?) ought to sponsor a contest on house decoration for Halloween.

That’s a big spider!

Today has, overall, been a pleasant day so far. Yippee!

I got up and did a little work checking all the tabs on my devices to see what needed to be saved and what could be deleted. In the process I learned that it was really easy to see the tabs that were on my phone, on my laptop. Both with Safari and Chrome. Woo hoo! I discovered that about half of my tabs were not needed. Bye bye tabs. Others I put into their respective tab groups. Will I ever look at them again? I hope so!

Some time today was also spent transcribing “ideas” from my notepad to a spreadsheet. I am up to more than 100 ideas and only a few of those were duplicates. Yippee! I still have a lot more to transcribe and hope to get to some more done tonight and hopefully finish up tomorrow. I will let that count as my ideas for today. Though I think I did come up with one. Three actually. Maybe I will come up with seven more before the night is over. Anything is possible.

Sure enough, my lunch date was a no show. And she didn’t write me until after I said I was leaving, which I did, to express surprise that I hadn’t been patient enough to wait for her. I think 30 minutes is long enough to wait for someone, don’t you? Now, if she had written me at any point during that 30 minutes and said that she couldn’t meet until, say, 1 pm after all, I might have waited a whole hour. But she didn’t. If she wants to meet (which I doubt) I have told her that she has to now come over here. I don’t think that’s too much to ask of someone who messed up the first attempt, is it? Am I being too harsh?

I watched a fun movie last night – 3000 Years of Longing with Tilda Swinton and Idris Elba. Very enjoyable! Then I watched the first episode of a limited series called Bodies. I might do the same thing tonight – watch a movie and then watch another episode of Bodies. And transcribe a few more days worth of ideas…

Dinner will be leftover reuben sub, that I will adulterate a bit, french fries and a caesar salad. Yippee! I had a piece of pizza bread (so good) leftover from last night’s dinner for lunch today. Yay food!