This feels like a weird point in the trip. I only have two more full days of being here before my marathon travel day(s) Tuesday and Wednesday. And I just don’t know what to do. And at the same time, I don’t know that I want to “do” anything.

My idea to see the canal, beyond just seeing the entrance from afar, is not seeming like a great choice. The tours are pricey and long (five or six hours – mostly traveling to and from the canal from what I understand). I thought about doing the hop on and hop off site-seeing bus but I just can’t be bothered. The amusement park idea here was a bust (not even as good as in Medellin). There is no actual zoo. Museums aren’t my thing generally. I am not an avid hunter of churches. I’ve done some of the beer places. I guess I could do more of those. The one I would like to visit doesn’t open until 5. I could get another massage, but I had one yesterday so getting one two days in a row doesn’t really appeal. I have food in the house and since I am only a teeny bit of a foodie, I am not interesting in going in search of some specific food type or place. I looked for beaches near me and there really aren’t any (not that I like to sit around on beaches – or swim – not much of a water person in general, actually).

This is when it would be great to be traveling with someone else who could help make decisions. As it is, right now, all I want to do is sit around and veg. (Is that how one spells “veg” as in vegging out?)(yes, apparently it is)

Maybe I will spend the morning doing travel prep. American Airlines sent me an email. As did Copa Airlines. All that ought to take me an hour or so. Maybe longer if I encounter problems. Hmm…maybe that would be a good start – going through my email and cleaning it out. I think I have some messages I need to respond to. Things get weird time-wise for me while traveling…Yes, I think that is how I will spend the morning. Going through my email and then doing travel prep. Woo hoo! A decision. Now I can go back to sleep…

Wow! What a fucking pain in the ass. And the website is poorly designed – what the hell does Origin/Destination City mean? Grrrr. And it didn’t work in Safari. So confusing. I told it I was just passing through, but it didn’t like that. Well, we’ll see what happens at immigration into Colombia for my flight out of Colombia. Onwards. American Airlines is next. I wonder if I remember my login information. Hahahaha.

I hope that someday all the airlines of the world will modernize their systems to allow diacriticals. I can’t use my real last name because of the hyphen. So sometimes a space works. Sometimes I have to just lump the two names together. Who knows which will work where? This time I lumped them together, then when that was accepted it showed my name with a space. Sigh. And I have no idea why I had to enter the information I did. If I didn’t love being in new places, I would hate to travel!

Well, that was a day. Of nothing, mostly! I did at least do the airlines things. How do people who aren’t computer savvy navigate all this crap? I had to change browsers because the drop down menus on one website (Copa?) didn’t work in Safari. But they worked in Chrome. And I had to deal multiple languages because some things, labels and such, were graphics, not text, and therefore weren’t translated by the translation option. Sigh. Maybe it gets easier with practice. Like maybe I ought to memorize my Passport details. Though once I get to Europe, there are basically no borders for where I am traveling so I won’t need them. I don’t know.

Other than that, I did not do a thing. Not a blessed thing. It felt good to not be on the go. Though it also felt a little bad because I wasn’t out experiencing Panama City Panama! Oh well, life is that way sometimes.

I eventually made it out the door to go to the brewery that had good beers from what I had tasted before at Frank’s. It was in a completely different part of the city – about three miles away. Seemed like a long way, but when I think about driving around Geneva – it’s five miles across I think. Anyway, I was a little scared that the address was wrong – it’s been known to happen. But it was where it said it was. Just tucked away with no sign facing the street.

Teeny place inside. With a private room upstairs. And a good amount of seating outside. Two bartenders – one with almost no english – studying Psychology at university and the other with decent english, hoping to be a commercial pilot one day! I had a flight of four decent beers. Nothing scintillating – though the red was surprisingly good. I think a good red is a rare find actually. There was couple there from Indianapolis (which is in Indiana apparently). They had the same flight I did after I got mine. Nice couple. I finished my beers and headed out to get an Uber.

At first, the destination address was wrong. So I had to cancel a few rides. Then I figured out the correct address and two drivers started coming to get me and then stopped. One was only 800 feet away. Weird. I finally did a get an uber that took me back to Frank’s Place, one last time.

Steak Dinner at Frank’s Place

I ordered what I thought was a steak but found out before the order was put in that it was fish. Not my favorite. I had been wanting a steak, so I ordered a NY steak. Medium rare. So good! With a few vegetables. And french fries…they had no ranch dressing so the manager, Angelo, went into the back and whipped me up something – pretty good for winging it! All in all, a yummy dinner. With lots of leftovers. I will be able to have a feast while waiting for my flight on Tuesday! (I’ll need to remember to cut my steak into little pieces since I won’t have access to a good knife at the airport)

I’m back at my place now. I’m going to finish up this blog. I have a teeny plan for tomorrow. Pool and then dinner at The Wallace, which is the sister place to Frank’s. At least I have a little bit of a plan. And then Tuesday – long travel day. Joy and rapture. Bad planning Augustus, bad planning. I hope to plan better on my next trip out of the country.

Happy Sunday! Hope you all had a great day and that you sleep well and have happy dreams!