Such a Tuesday. Meaning that it was just like any other day. Yippee days! And the weather was pleasant which adds a certain lightness to the day. Imho.

I did two dashing sessions, as usual. The morning one had two outlier dashes. One was a Lowes delivery. Which are bad, but so tempting because of the decent size of the payout despite it being way too little in reality. This time I had to deliver an electric mower in a box! Luckily, it fit in my backseat. It might have fit in the trunk. I wonder if there are tie downs in the trunk. That would be a good thing…The other outlier was a delivery from Advance Auto Parts in Waterloo – which paid a lot more than the trip was worth I thought. But I was happy to have it. Making the morning more lucrative than the evening. Again. So strange…

Oh, I also got my acceptance rate back up to 100%. I doubt it will last long, but I am happy I got back there eventually.

Dinner ended up being soup and salad. I neglected to take something out of the deep freeze to thaw. A situation I will rectify as soon as I publish this blog post.

I watched a lot more of Lessons in Chemistry last night. Only one episode to go. And I take it back! We got the dog talking! I think a quarter or a half of one episode was basically about the dog, whose name is 6:30 pm. (Two different reasons given – one in the book and one in the tv series. Sigh.)

No idea what I’m going to watch next. Though I might chose an episode of The Tracker while I am deciding…

That’s my house!

I was effective today! I managed to get two projects completed. One was a card that turned out ok. And the other was booking a room near the event on Saturday so I don’t have to exhaust myself driving there and back all in one day. Which I could do. But I just don’t want to! And what is money good for if it isn’t used. Use it while it exists. I mean, if civilization ends as we know it, what do you think the currency will be? I am guessing coins and bottle caps. Anything metal. Unless the robots and AI take over in which case, we won’t need money anymore at all…

Is anyone going to the community chorus thing tomorrow night. I am thinking about it – right now at about 30% likely to go…