City of “Warwick”

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Yesterday (Saturday) I went to the Sterling Renaissance Festival (or Faire). The last time I went was a bunch of years ago with my mom soon after I had moved back here to help her stay in her home as long as we both could manage. I think I wrote about it either here or on my Life and Such blog (probably the latter). Bitter sweet both then and the memories now.

I enjoy Ren Faires. I have been to quite a few over the years. And I would like to go to others at some point. Maybe I will add those to my list of things to research and write about and experience if I ever take my life on the road as I have thought of doing. (Still waiting on an all electric mobile home…)(If anyone wants to gift me with one, I won’t mind…)

This Ren Faire was not as super fun as I was thinking it would be. Don’t get me wrong, I am glad I went, I enjoyed my time there and would even go to this one again. I am trying to figure out what wasn’t great about this visit. Hmm.

First, I went alone – I like to do things alone, so that shouldn’t have been a downer. I could go where I liked, when I liked, do what I liked, etc. Yay freedom. Still, sharing the experience with someone might have made this particular day a bit better.

Second were the echoes of the visit my mom and I shared. She wasn’t particularly mobile so that made things challenging. Once round the park basically and we were done since getting that far was difficult. Being places where we had been, watching things we had watched. Sniff, sniff.

Third, I was hoping for a “beautiful” day. For those of you who have read a bunch of my blogs, (and I think it is in the draft of my relationships book), there are days that I find beautiful (to me) women everywhere. Not in hopes of dating them or anything, just the pure enjoyment of seeing lots of lovely ladies. This was not one of those days.

Fourth, everything was so expensive! By everything, I am mostly referring to food and beverages. $3 for a soda. $2.75 for water. Actually, the best bargain was the fresh fruit which I ought to have taken advantage of, but opted to just leave earlyish and come home and eat. $8 for a craft beer ($7 for a domestic). Most meal foods were around $9 (for a teeny pizza?!). The games and such weren’t that expensive, but again going through a maze would have been more fun with someone. Or down the giant slide. Or taking a whack at hitting the bell (I think it is a matter of leverage more than of strength, but I didn’t try – Alice would have encouraged me to try – maybe laughed when I failed and then gotten up and shown me how to do it right).

Fifth, the shows – though typical and fun – were just that – typical and fun. Two groups mentioned that they had been at Sterling for 20+ years. A typical show – Hey everyone, let’s make noise so that people will come over. Then a few Elizabethan vs. Modern jokes. Then a bit of audience participation. Then a bit more audience participation – and then the big finale. Huzzuh!

I could see myself directing a Ren Faire. Anything is possible.

So, that being said, I did have fun. Just not big, super duper, excited fun. Enough words, here are some pictures.



The court at a show I sat to watch


Topsy Turvy – a new act to this faire – decent not great.


Would you believe I got at least 5 positive reactions to this shirt?! Thanks mom! (Gosh I look serious…)


Our joust Champion (who turned out to be a bit of a jerk…)


Clan Tynker – family circus – one super talented guy – the rest were ok


I don’t know why I enjoy the washer women so much…


Cargo shorts and sandals – typical Augustus summer dress


The DaVinci Brothers using audience participation (only one actual brother…)


Although fun looking, I didn’t try the $4 giant slide


The court again, I didn’t stay to watch the teeny version of “The Tempest” though it started out looking decent


Witch Trial – he was not a happy performing camper


Dunking! Always a good time!

City of Tiny Lights

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How exciting is life? Hmm?

It has been weeks since coming back from my excellent visit to Alice in London and Warsaw. I really would have loved to have stayed longer, but finances did not allow it.


Since coming back, nothing too earth shattering has happened. Bunches of interesting little things, though.

First off is a new toothbrush. Yes, I bought myself an electric toothbrush and boy is it dandy! It changes pitch every 30 seconds and stops completely after two minutes. 30 seconds in each quadrant doesn’t seem all that long. That combined with my wonderfully wet Waterpik, I really think my teeth and gums will be on the happy side. That will be nice.

Second is a great short visit from Juliet and Paul. They came to visit me and mom. They spent a good long time at the Nursing home. And we went to dinner at the Crow’s Nest on Saturday night. All in all a great visit.

Third is a teeny discovery. I road my bike down to the Smith last night after dark. The bicycle that I purchased came with lights, both headlight and taillight. And the batteries still worked! Yay!

Fourth – I just realized that I haven’t posted in twenty days! Eeeek! 20 days?! Wow, I really am not doing well putting up posts. And I haven’t done much about putting up any pictures or posts from my great trip to visit Alice. I still hope to get around to them.

Fifth – I realize that I have many miles to go where the house and my life are concerned. At least I hope I have many miles to go with my life. Anyway, it would be nifty if I actually did a little bit each day. Maybe I will get around to it. It is an overwhelming task, really. So I need to do a little bit each day. I think I will start on the front porch and work out from there.

Sixth – In an effort to get my expenses under control, I changed my phone plan so that it will be costing me less per month. Yay. I need to do that in some other areas of my life as well at some point soon. Speaking of which – does anyone have any thoughts on whether or not I ought to take our home phone number for my cell phone number? It is doable but takes a while. I am of two minds. A – let the home number go because retaining it is just crazy. B – take the home number as it has been something that I have known for years (and years and years). Anyone?

Seventh – I like Frank Zappa’s music. Much of what I know of it at least…

Eighth – I have been eating a lot of home made nachos lately. Yum!IMG_2382

(Thank you for the edits, Alice)