The State of the side porch

I think I made some progress on the porch today. I had to move the bookcase so I could get the greek rug under it. Which meant it was a good time to go through the books on that set of shelves. Lots of dusting. A few books went to other locations – the theatre books went to the theatre shelf. The fiction books went to my room. The other books got sorted sort of into their categories. And the music/piano books moved from the top of the bookcase to a shelf. And the stuff that was on top of the bookcase has been moved to places that make more sense. And since I was moving the red carpet, I also wanted to move the blue carpet. I think I moved it a bit too far, but I think we will all survive – as long as we mind the gap.

The next steps are – getting another chair, and finding a small table to put between them. And then figuring out what to do with my bicycle. I don’t want it living on the side porch anymore since it is becoming a living/livable space. I would put it on the front porch, but then I would have to lock it since I have already lost one bicycle off the front porch during my tenure here in Geneva. I am leaning towards the back kitchen – which means that that area needs to be cleaned up at some point soon. It’s a trickle down thing. Start cleaning one area leads to cleaning other areas.

I also got some work down in the attic. Not a lot – but a bit that was needed. I am trying to clean out the area over the back stairs. Not because I will use it for much, but because it is trashed and could be happier. The critters have been shoving insulation in there for years and years. I am trying to dig it out. I got a plastic rake out of the garage. But I think I might need the iron rake. It is a hard area to reach into since it is at the “curve” of the stairs. And I swept out the wing that I will be moving everything into next week.

My helper is coming tomorrow to do a quick clean – there oughtn’t to be too much to do – and to paint the stairs as long as the weather holds.

Speaking of shekels, I paid bills today. I am going to wait until Thursday and see what’s what after the dust settles (the bills get paid). Then I have a couple of things I would like to spend money on. A mattress for the side porch, and the fee for the furnished finder website. Oh, I figured out how to see how far along I was on Mom’s and my “medical” debt. I just counted how many payments I have made since I always pay it through my bank account. Making good progress. I will dash all day on Thursday. And maybe the morning shift on Friday. And then all day Saturday and Sunday. Every shekel counts.

I got the book from the library and will start it tomorrow while I wait for my car to get fixed. I hope that whatever they do fixes the issue. I am afraid that it won’t. Generally, I like to be optimistic, but this car is making me a bit pessimistic where it is concerned.

As for what I am watching currently: Black Sails – fun stuff indeed. All episodes available on Netflix. If you like pirates, or period pieces, you might like this show. I am liking it a lot.

I had a sad thought – what if Sherlock Holmes developed alzheimer’s…

Done my Duolingo and about to make pizza and wings for dinner. So excited!