I am taking the day off from dashing. Yes, my accounts would prefer if I didn’t. But I am just fed up with the car right now. And with dashing in general. I need a break. I might even take the next four days off. I have guests coming tonight. They are a nice friendly couple and easy guests. They have been here before so they know the house is old. And they don’t mind. I did add “old (1914)” to my listings so that people won’t be surprised that the house is not modern.

Honestly, I was thinking that as soon as I let the Airbnb open again, that I would be flooded with people wanting to stay here. I’m not upset that I’m not being flooded just a little surprised that I’m not. Oh well.

Maybe I will go to Janet Leath to ask about insurance. No, probably not. Maybe tomorrow. I think today I am not going to move the car at all. I have plenty of food, I have the guests coming (though they might be taking the bus and so have no car – I got that impression from L) and there is lots I could do around the house. I might take baby steps in two directions – the attic and the side porch. Time will tell. I might also do some computer stuff for GLO. And reach out to L and J about helping them with their tech.

I think the guy came and took away the two dead squirrels. I will look after lunch. I don’t smell them anymore, so that’s a good thing.

I looked. He not only took away the dead squirrels, he took the two traps as well. Not sure what that’s about, but I’m guessing they are almost done with me. Not worth the $600 imho. But I won’t give them a bad review because at least they came and got the dead squirrels. And the live squirrels. I guess I will just keep the trap up there that I borrowed from L.

The stairs up into the attic hadn’t seen any love in at least a year. Maybe longer. So I took a few minutes and gave them a sucky job. With a vacuum cleaner. Got the worst of the glunk off the stairs up to the first landing. First landing and beyond next time, whenever next time is. I have a goal of getting the attic ready to receive all the crap I lugged into the room at the head of the stairs by the end of the month. Because I have a guest in there on July 7 I think.

I had a hankering for these – I thought the internet said they were discontinued. But they aren’t!

My guests are in. I hope that they keep the shower curtains inside the tub! I forgot to say anything to them. We shall see, I guess.

I was going to have a quiet afternoon at home, but J called and asked if I would help them install a window air conditioning unit. I said of course. I finished folding the laundry and drove down to there house by the lake in Romulus. Nice little house with a lovely big barn behind it! Their AC unit was a lot less heavy than the one that I helped with the other day. We got it in, even though I made a little mistake and put the accordion thingies in before attaching them to the unit. But we got it settled happily. Woo hoo!

Then I came home and read.

Tonight, trivia! Long time no trivia for me. It will be interesting for sure. J said that G came last week and won – with J’s help. Interesting that it wasn’t Casa De Madeira. Anyway, it will be nice to be a little social.

Tesla doesn’t have the part I need anymore. And their manager is off at another service center until Monday. So, I have an appointment on Wednesday. Not thrilled that they couldn’t fix the car tomorrow. Good thing I wasn’t planning on dashing tomorrow. Now I won’t dash on Saturday either. Maybe Sunday. And maybe the next two days – at least one shift. Unless the car feels too dangerous…

Not our night at trivia. Oh well. It was still fun. And great to see P and J. And G helped a little too late.

Ok time to think deep thoughts! And have a Toast R Cake or two! So excited!!