It didn’t occur to me. I thought I needed a seam ripper. And I know that there are several in the house. Where they are is anyone’s guess. Amberle probably knows. Grrrr. Last night I found that only one of my two suit/sport jacket pockets was cut open. I vaguely recall doing the first years ago (2019?). But the other one was still sewn shut. I couldn’t find my seam ripper so I took it to our local tailor. He used a razor. And the opening was not where I was trying anyway. Phew!

The whole day was not like that. The first dash shift was not awesome. And the steering on the Tesla was acting horrendously – after a great day yesterday where it was driving like normal. Sigh and grrr.

My cleaner said they/she would be here around 10 am. Or as it turns out, 2 pm. Better late than never. She came and did great work in the house and mostly in the kitchen. It hasn’t felt this clean in ages! I’m hoping she will come back and do some painting of the house for me – the front steps, the side porch and the back entry way. I think I have enough paint for all three projects. Who knows if she will be game or not. Time will tell.

Second shift was terrible. The steering was even worse. And one of my tires suddenly lost a lot of air pressure. I refilled it and did a dash to waterloo. And by the time I had gotten back to Mavis Tire, I had lost 7 PSI. Not good. Turns out it was an evil tree bit that embedded itself somehow in the sidewall of the tire. So, irreparable. $200 later, a new tire. With the other four new tires from 6 weeks ago or so. Needless to say, but I will say it anyway, I am not a happy camper with my car just now. And to top that off, this was the second tech who told me I needed new rotors and brakes. Fuck that. I will have to get rid of this car somehow and soon. I want to wait until after the robotaxi reveal in August – but I don’t know if my mental health will allow me to last that long. Or that the car will last that long, despite the GDF new tires and new front end which wasn’t enough to make the car happy…

Ok, venting done. I blame global warming and the phase (almost full) of the moon. I’ll sit down and do some math tomorrow and see what I can see. Part of me thinks that the tentative answer might be to up my HELOC. Not my favorite idea, but it is an idea.

Just wanted a pretty picture

To elevate my abysmal mood, I bought an artichoke to go with my leftovers from the banquet. It ws not a good artichoke. And I undercooked it. But life is better with artichokes of any kind than without them, imho. I also had a salad, the left over veggies, a few fresh fries and the steak from the banquet last night. Pretty yummy and definitely enhanced my mood a bit. That and that the cleaner did such a good job in the kitchen as previously mentioned. Always nicer to cook in a cleaner kitchen.

I am debating whether or not I am going to dash tomorrow. My accounts say that it would behoove me to dash. My car and my mood both suggest that dashing might not be optimal tomorrow. We shall, of course, see.

Time to continue to alter my mood. Happy Wednesday to those that celebrate!