What is up with me being up so early generally? Is it an age thing? I go to bed after midnight and wake up around 6 am every day. Sometimes I go back to sleep for a little bit after playing and doing duolingo. Sometimes I don’t. Today has been a “don’t” day.

I’ve read more of my book. It has morphed into a crime drama. Still good though. I like the main character. And I also stripped and made the bed in the blue room. My guest left really early this morning. No, he didn’t wake me, I had woken up before he headed off into the sunset. I’ve also turned off all the lights – I leave lights on around the house for guests in case they have to go to the kitchen or something.

Did I mention that I love my grater?

I’m hoping to have no major expenditures between now and September. Though I am sure that won’t be the case. Part of the reason is that I want to see what happens at the August 8 Tesla event before buying another Tesla. Part is because I am spending money like water. Part is because I am a combination hoarder/spendthrift. Just like my mom. And like mom, I often make poor buying choices when I do spend money. Why couldn’t I have inherited the “ambitious/loves making lots of money” gene?

I am hoping that the trip to Texas in late July or Early August will not be super expensive.

First dash is done and it was ok. No second dash today because of the GLO fund raising dinner at Belhurst.

My cleaner flaked and didn’t message me. I had to message them. They want to come tomorrow and clean. One strike. They get three.

Tonight was the GLO benefit banquet. Honestly, it was ok at best. Let’s start with the space. It is a decent space. A little large for the number of tables we had, but it wasn’t too horrendous. I got there and moved the piano and sound equipment a good bit away from where it was. G was worried that I was touching stuff. I pointed out that I had been the Technical Director at the Smith for four years and could handle a teeny set up like they had. Easy peasy. The Belhurst had put in a dance floor, though G had not really made any arrangements to have dancing. Sigh. I will suggest that we start a committee immediately to plan the next one. Not at the Belhurst. We have to be able to do better.

The food was lackluster. The salad was ok. The soup was terrible. Really bad. Cold and basically mushy and inedible. Blech even. My entree of steak was good. A really large piece of beef. The chicken looked good. As did the salmon. And the dessert was quite tasty.

G had to be the MC because whoever usually did it was not available. I had to prod her a couple of times, but it all worked out. The whole thing ended much later than it needed to, imho. The music was ok – not great. I liked the soprano, I was not thrilled with the bass.

A real honest to goodness opera singer

I sat at a table with S and J, both of whom I have known a long while. And there were two people new to me – L and C. I think L might need some help with tech stuff. And J said he did too. I will be interested to see if either of them follow up. If not, I will follow up with them. Easy and fun. I like helping people with tech stuff – the tech support person in me has never died.

When we got ready to leave, the rain, it was a pouring down. I eventually was brave, put my jacket over my head and got to my car. There was a branch down on my route home – but it was easily circumnavigated.

Safely home, blog written. Time to chill!