Terrible first shift dashing today. I mean really bad. I didn’t even make my minimum for the shift. Sigh. I don’t know what the issue was. Too many dashers. Not enough orders. Cherry pickers. All of the above. Let’s hope the second shift is better.

One of my little projects for the day was to find the little slip of paper that a guy gave me with his contact info on it while I was in Panama City (Panama). I found it in my little bag of receipts from my recent vacation. After entering all the information, I checked to see if it had all been saved and it turned out that I had already entered it all. I have no memory of doing that. My brain shouldn’t be this mushy yet…

La Pierna. I didn’t climb it. Life is that way sometimes.

Second shift of dashing also was not great. I managed to eke out a decent pay day by adding a late ride. But that isn’t good. What is good is that Door Dash is trying something new in regards to dashing rewards. It was announced in an email to us today. But not a lot of details were given. There are going to be three levels – Silver, Gold, and Platinum from what I gather. As long as I can dash whenever I want, I don’t care what they call them. Extra money would be good too…It is supposed to happen at the end of the month.

Speaking of the end of the month, Jack, the og at the Saucer for sure, passed away a while back. And there will be a celebration of life for him on the 28th, in Raleigh. I am tempted to go. Carpe Diem and all that. But it is four long days of driving. (Not that I am afraid of driving – but I would like to have a bit of a vacation if I am going to go away for four days. And since I am driving to help ends meet, it wouldn’t be much of a holiday.) It would be nice to see the old Saucer gang though. I wonder how many ex-staff members will show up. I’ll keep thinking about it.

It’s looking like 60% that the person who said they’ll clean will come. Anything they do will be something I won’t have to do. And they will have fresh eyes. Able to look at the place with a bit more objectivity than I have. Here’s hoping it works out. Otherwise, I might have to take the Tuesday morning shift off to clean for guests arriving on Thursday. Woo hoo.

MacKenzie is a nice guy. We actually met today. He is the pest guy. He traded out his two live traps for three kill traps. I guess the squirrels didn’t make it. I will check the traps tomorrow to see if we caught any of the little ones. I hope we catch them all. I might rebait my trap if I can figure out a way to make sure that they trip the trap. Terry at the Pest Place made me think that the kill traps were more expensive than the live catch ones. Sigh. When I was a receptionist…which I was for a while. Of a sort at least. Anyway, one should know one’s stuff to the best of their ability. I guess that might have been the case anyway…

Ok, time to shut this down for the night. Books, TV, life and such will maybe make an appearance tomorrow.