I was dashing this morning and the driving/steering issue scared me. So I stopped dashing and called Tesla. Well, after almost crying, they said I could bring it in right then. And that’s what I did. I drove straight to the Tesla service center in Rochester. The manager of the site, Jack, went for a test drive with me. For the longest time, he didn’t experience what I experienced. But, he finally felt it! Vindication!! Woo hoo! He wasn’t sure what was going on so he gave me a free inspection to see if he could figure out what the issue was. He couldn’t see anything that was dangerous. His advice was not to spend the $1000 replacing the u bolt in the steering linkage, and to drive it and observe it and check back in a couple of months. Sigh. Still, no charge is good. But I lost an entire first shift of dashing. I take that back. I got $8 for the two rides that I undertook. Rich! I am rich I tell you!

The drive back was strange. I was feeling really exhausted for some reason. Maybe it was the pretzels I ate…

To be honest, I wasn’t really sure where Malta was. I knew the British ruled it for a while. But it is its own country now. And I want to visit it. Guess where it is? Down south of Italy! So, that changes my plans and probably adds a week to my trip. I can afford five weeks, can’t I? Sure I can. Since it is so far down, instead of just stopping at Rome, I will go all the way down to where I can get on a ferry to Malta. Good thing I am learning Italian as I will be in and near Italy for three of the teeny countries I want to visit in the fall. Though English is still a dominant language on Malta.

Maybe I will have to forgo driving around Scotland and Ireland during my Europe trip. Just make my wat to London to see my cousins there. Again, we’ll see.

Huge Clown Head/Mask from Circus Medellin

I managed to eke out a decent second shift today. But this means that if I want to stick to ten shifts this week, I will have to pick one up later. I am thinking Friday first shift might be best. Though that would give me no whole day off…we’ll see.

Oh, some guy followed me out of the Wegman’s parking lot to talk to me about Tesla ownership. Pull the trigger already guy! Though I am always happy to talk to anyone about Tesla. He seemed very interested having even taken a long test drive in a model Y. I hope he gets one! Meanwhile I am trying to decide if I want to keep this Tesla or trade it in. I am leaning towards trading it in. Which means it won’t be a profit center if FSD comes to fruition in my lifetime. In any case, I wasn’t planning on doing anything about selling the car until at least after the August 8 robotaxi event.

Oh, I caught another squirrel. Augustus 2, Pest Control 0. I have tossed a few of my bait pellets into the two cages that the Pest people provided. And set up my trap again. We shall see if there were more than two stupid squirrels in my attic.

And that’s all folks.

Sometimes I think I could have been another Mel Blanc. Just saying. Too little ambition. Sigh.