Dinner with S and B was at Deluxe Grill. I haven’t been there in a while. The last time was before it changed owners. And the new owners did not get the fried chicken recipe apparently as it is off the menu. So that meant I had to choose something else for dinner. S had fried shrimp – I like those too. B had a salad with grilled chicken on it – also yummy. I ended up with angel hair alfredo with fried scallops. Also tasty. Though the alfredo sauce, as usual, did not have nearly enough garlic for me. Next time, I will know…But…I took about 2/3 of my food home. And B didn’t want the second half of her salad, so I took that home as well. And she also gave me two brownies that she had baked! Good thing I didn’t eat those or I would be snoozing now. As it is, it has taken me half an hour of being recumbent to get out of the food coma enough to write up this blog post.

This does mean that I have food for the whole rest of the week and to spare. Especially since I am dining with Sam et al on Monday!

The best ride at the Amusement park in Medellin – a flume! I love flumes! (as long as the weather is hot)

Today was a one shift dashing day. And it was similar to last week’s Saturday. I seemed to mostly be offered long rides for not quite enough money. It started with a ride from the McDonalds here in Geneva to somewhere in Waterloo. It was just an egg sandwich. And they tipped me additionally after I got there. I think he was a secret shopper maybe. Not using his own money. Anyway, I did a few more rides there before getting one that took me back to Geneva, where I finished out the shift. Sort of. I took more long rides. Twice to Phelps! I did 89 miles of driving today. That’s a lot for the amount of money I made. Still, it was a decent day. I am planning on dashing tomorrow for one shift.

At home, I checked the raccoon traps and there were no critters in them. I think they are too small. I will add mine tomorrow I think which is about a third larger than the two teeny traps that the guy brought and set out. And put different bait in there. Maybe a plate with some peanut butter. Or some slices of watermelon. Because whatever bait they used wasn’t interesting enough for the critters to climb into a too small cage to get.

I tried making a balloon dog and I had completely (well, mostly) forgotten how to do it. YouTube to the rescue. Now that I have the balloons back in the car, we shall see if I have a reason to use them. Probably not, but anything is possible.

Tomorrow is trash day and sheet change day. So excited. The big burning question is – do I put on non flannel sheets, or do I go one more week with the flannel?

Ok, still in a food coma. I will just lie here and digest a bit longer…