Wow, it all adds up, doesn’t it! Let’s start with food from the Asian market – a half a duck and some chicken over rice (I like the jasmine rice I have better than the rice from the Asian market. Now I know…). Three times that was spent on three new pairs of cargo pants from Target! Had a funny and curmudgeonly (in a good humored way) checkout person. Then times that by 5 for the first part of getting rid of the raccoons. The guy came and put in two traps and will leave them for two weeks and see if we catch anything. Here’s hoping! And multiply that times two for the front end work done to the Tesla! Wow! And the spending hasn’t stopped, after the rain slows down, I’m going to the grocery store to get a couple of weekend necessities. Good thing I plan to work a lot in the coming weeks.

Got up way too early and drove to Rochester for my car appointment. For the first few hours I read, chatted with fellow waiters and napped a little bit. The tech eventually came and told me that there were some things that could do with replacing and one thing that needed immediate attention. He said that my front left wheel was not in good shape – in fact it was about to fall off! Eeek! I am so glad I took it in! He said they would be done by 3 pm.

Since I didn’t want to rent a car, I asked if I could do a “test drive.” One of the guys was nice and let me have the car for an hour and a half instead of the usual hour. It really was a joy driving the new model three. Weird though – no stalks. That would take me a day or two to get used to. I started to get used to the turn signal buttons towards the end of the drive. And sort of got used to shifting from park to whatever and back using the screen. It had FSD installed. Such an amazing product…I headed to Target first. Because if they didn’t have cargo pants, I would have had to head to Ross to see if I could find good used cargo pants. But Target was well stocked in cargo pants. I picked out four pairs and ended up only taking three.

Next stop, the Asian Market. Since I was in Rochester, I thought I might as well get a duck. I thought about getting a whole duck and freezing half, but I would only save $5. Which, yes, is a decent amount of money. But I didn’t really want to put anything more in the freezer. Still trying to eat up what is in there already! And I decided to buy lunch – chicken over rice – which came with some green veggies. I had that for lunch when I got home! While I was out on my “test drive,” I got a message that the car was done! And it wasn’t even 12:30 pm. I guess it wasn’t that hard to do what they had to do. Yippee!

Driving the car home, I took the back roads. Such a pleasure to drive the car again. The noise from the front end was driving me crazy! And that’s gone! Woo hoo!

No more social commitments for today and tonight! I think I will watch the second TMNT movie. Tomorrow, dinner with S and B. Sunday, no commitments. And Monday, I get to see Sam and Abby and the kids! So excited!!

So Close…

It was not easy (for me) to get into the Medellin Circus. In fact, I had a really rough time of it the first two times I tried. Third time was the charm. A teeny circus, but good and fun! And some of the best cotton candy I have had in a long, long time!